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These are the listings of classes that BDTA is scheduling to hold this year. This list is updated frequently!
What: Puppy Obedience Classes
Where: BDTA Building
When: Thurs. Evenings
Price: $90
Class Description: A six week introductory class designed to provide puppy owners with a structured program of supervised socialization and basic obedience exercises. This class will also offer students a positive bonding experience with their puppies and effective ways to handle management issues (such as housebreaking, mouthing, etc…) Puppies must be between eight weeks and sixteen weeks of age when starting class.
Questions? Contact
Nancy at phone: 724-482-6017 or email: dogpawscs@zoominternet.net or Sande at phone: 724-287-3933 or email: swinters@zoominternet.net
What: Basic Manners and Obedience Level I
Where: BDTA Building
When: Mon Evenings or Wed Evenings or Sat Mornings; Tues. or Thurs. - call for availability of afternoon classes
Price: $120
Class Description: An eight week beginning level class designed to provide pet dog owners and others with a structured program of basic exercises (sits, downs, stays, coming when called, walking on leash, etc…) This class will also stress the importance of good manners and build on positive approaches to management concerns. Dogs must be at least four months of age to start this program.
Questions? Contact
Nancy at phone: 724-482-6017 or email: dogpawscs@zoominternet.net or Sande at phone: 724-287-3933 or email: swinters@zoominternet.net
What: Basic Manners and Obedience Level II
Where: BDTA Building
When: Jan-April on Sunday Evenings; May-Dec on Monday Evenings
(*NOTE: Must complete Basic Manners and Obedience Level I class prior to this class)
Price: $120
Class Description: An eight week course that will strengthen the core obedience exercises. Sit-stays and down-stays will be reinforced while working on distance and duration. Heeling exercises will focus on working around distractions. Recalls will alternate between fun and formal. Students will be introduced to the sport of Rally and will also focus on Canine Good Citizen/Therapy Dog exercises. Dogs must have attended a beginner level course prior to starting this program.
Questions? Contact
Nancy at phone: 724-482-6017 or email: dogpawscs@zoominternet.net or Sande at phone: 724-287-3933 or email: swinters@zoominternet.net
What: Beginners Agility Foundation
Where: BDTA Building
When: Tuesdays at 6:30pm-7:30pm
Price: $90
Class Description: A six week Beginner Course that introduces and emphasizes fundamental component skills needed for the sport of Agility. No prior agility experience is needed. However, basic obedience skills are required before taking this class such as a good recall, sit and stay and must be non-reactive to other dogs. We will introduce a positive skill set for building a relationship with your dog including focus and self-control, motivation, balance/coordination and equipment familiarization. Most exercises will be done on leash as a group but individual help will be available if needed. You will learn groundwork for agility and foundation skills for contact obstacles, jumps, tunnels, see-saw, weave poles and table and build skills to perform all obstacles safely and correctly, plus teaching basic handling skills to complete sequences of obstacles. Attention and focus will be used to gradually work off leash, include beginning handling techniques and complete short sequences. This class may be repeated if necessary to build experience.
Questions? Call Sue at 724-556-9900 or email suegliebe@hotmail.com
What: Agility Handling
Where: BDTA Building
When: Tuesdays at 7:45pm-8:45pm
Price: $90
Class Description: A six week Beginner Course, for dogs and handlers that have taken the Foundations Course or have prior Basic Agility Experience. This course will build skills to perform all obstacles safely and correctly, building accuracy on all contact obstacles, learning all jumps and correct jumping style, intro to weave poles and teaching basic handling skills to complete sequences of obstacles. Attention and focus will be used to gradually work off leash, include beginning handling techniques and complete short sequences. This class may be repeated if necessary to build experience.
Questions? Call Sue at 724-556-9900 or email suegliebe@hotmail.com
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